Broadside Lotus Press announces February 2020 release of amphibian by Jessica Lanay

Naomi Long Madgett Poetry Award 2020

am.phib.ian by Jessica Lanay

…a daughter’s odyssey through a web of fractured relationships with lovers and kin… a spirit determined to survive….

Jessica Lanay holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Pittsburgh, and an MA in Latin American and Caribbean Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her poetry has appeared in many journals, including Sugar House Review, Fugue, A Bad Penny Review, and Indiana Review.

New Book Just Out: 2019 NLM Poetry Award Winner Jacquese Armstrong

Jacquese Armstrong is a poet/writer residing in Central New Jersey. Her first poetry chapbook, dance of the shadows, was released June 2017. She has been published in For Harriet, A Gathering of the Tribes, The Rising Phoenix Review, Black Magnolias Literary Journal and Ourselves/Black. Ms. Armstrong was a 2015 recipient of the Ambassador Award from the State of New Jersey Governor’s Council on Mental Health Stigma for promoting wellness and recovery and reducing stigma through the arts.
