Chronicles of the Pig & Others Delusions
Edward Bruce Bynum
Winner of the 2010 Naomi Long Madgett Poetry Award
“Chronicles of the Pig & Other Delusions is a linguistic alchemy in which Edward Bruce Bynum blends the historical, the mystical, and the psychological with infinite quests, legend, and lyricism to not only conjure ‘the prophecy of swans above a brilliant lake,’ but also leave the taste of real gold in one’s mouth.”
— Claude Wilkinson
“A distinctly different music. Give it time, and it will captivate you. Without question, Edward Bynum is destined to be, as John Oliver Killens might say, ‘one of our long-distance runners.’ There is a certain irresistibility here . . . .”
— Mari Evans
“If ever a poet needs to be read, studied, appreciated and shared, it is Edward Bruce Bynum. He is of and ahead of his time . . . . He has found his own highly distinctive and heart-stopping territory. Quiet, thoughtful, a questioner of multiple worlds not ready for the easy answers. . . . A word-worker seeking truth beyond the common . . . .”
— Haki R. Madhubuti
Broadside Lotus Press Contact Info
Broadside Lotus Press
Post Office Box 02011
Detroit, MI, 48202
Naomi Long Madgett Award
Accepting award entries between January 2 and March 1, 2022.
Guidelines for the Naomi Long Madgett Poetry Award