Adam of Ife: Black Women in Praise of Black Men
Naomi Long Madgett, ed.
This unique and ground breaking anthology contains positive poems about everyday African-American men written by 55 black female poets. The insightful and informative introduction explains the historical reasons for the plight of many black men today. The poems show understanding, compassion, and support.
“Evocative and thought-provoking, the poems . . .effectively fill a void in black literature.”
—Sarah Sue Goldsmith, (Baton Rouge Magazine)
“This exceptional anthology of poetry from 55 writers arrives at a most crucial time when the males of an entire race are in physical and spiritual jeopardy by design… There are so many well-crafted pieces, startling in their clarity, that is is often difficult to affix them to their designed sections, [They] rumbled through this reviewer like a springtime thunderstorm, eliciting strong responses and memories . . . .The women offer hope and solace.” —Terri L. Jewell, (Capital Times)
“This poetry overall is both accessible and accomplished. This is a valuable collection of voices that speak with strength, positive feeling, poetic passion . . . a surprising outpouring of’ tribute considering the bleakness of the history in which African-American males have struggled to claim their identity.” —Naomi S. Myrvaagnes, (Kliatt Young Adult Paperback Book Guide)
“The reception of Adam of Ife demonstrates that African Americans are pausing to examine sexual politics and their impact on the black community. There is a growing determination to look beyond the frustration and to heal the scars caused by painful relationships. All sisters and brothers can identify the scars, but there are increasing numbers of people who believe that we can become empowered to resolve our conflicts.”
— Dr. Brenda Wall, clinical psychologist, as quoted by Toni Y. Joseph in The Dallas Morning News.
Broadside Lotus Press Contact Info
Broadside Lotus Press
Post Office Box 02011
Detroit, MI, 48202
(313) 736-5338
Naomi Long Madgett Award
Accepting award entries between January 2 and March 1, 2022.
Guidelines for the Naomi Long Madgett Poetry Award