R. Flowers Rivera
Winner of the 2015 Naomi Long Madgett Poetry Award
“In language that sweeps from high lyric to down home vernacular, R. Flowers Rivera undertakes the always more necessary work of re-weaving the ancient tales back into our daily lives.”
— Dan Beachy-Quick
“. . . retelling mythical and Biblical stories is nothing new. When they are this good, however, who cares?” — Chad Davidson
“. . . Heathen . . . includes many persona poems based on mythology, but the voices are so down-home, so real, so irreverent and alive, that they lack all pretension . . . too often found in persona poems.” — Maria Mazziotti Gillan
“R. Flowers Rivera remixes the classical and the Biblical, the usual and the typical until what we thought we knew of ourselves and others is new again . . . .” — Terrance Hayes
“What all of her poetic selves have in common is a preference for reckless action over tedium, and that makes for excitement on the page . . . .” — Julie Kane
Broadside Lotus Press Contact Info
Broadside Lotus Press
Post Office Box 02011
Detroit, MI, 48202
Naomi Long Madgett Award
Accepting award entries between January 2 and March 1, 2022.
Guidelines for the Naomi Long Madgett Poetry Award